Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stereotypical Texas

Gov. Perry does a good job of keeping the Texas stereotype alive.  When people think about Texas they think of guns, cattle, and oil.  Gov. Perry does a great job of playing the stereotypical “Texan” and for the most part I am glad.

Many people, including myself, move to Texas because it is more conservative. After spending three years in California I wanted to go somewhere that I felt my views would be shared (unfortunately I didn’t do my research before moving to Austin).  Gov. Perry, whether you love him or hate him, represents the stereotypical Texas well.  People are not moving to Texas for its “progressive” ways, they are moving here because they see it as an almost “conservative sanctuary” for the increasingly liberal United States.  Gov. Perry probably doesn’t believe in half the stuff he says but he knows it is what the majority of Texas wants to hear.  Texans want to believe that there is still a chance for “The Republic of Texas” and Gov. Perry will be there to give them hope.

For the most part people know what they are going to get with Gov. Perry.  He is sometimes very conservative and it rubs a lot of people the wrong way.  But in Texas this helps his cause.  If he can make politicians in California and New York angry for his views he is doing great by Texas standards.

Texas will always have the stereotype of a bunch of arrogant, gun toting cowboys; it might as well embrace it and benefit from it.  Many gun manufacturers are being forced out of states because of new laws and Texas stands to profit from this.  By no means do I agree with everything he says but I do know that I don’t have to worry about Gov. Perry trying to take of my guns or veteran benefits.  This is what makes Texas such an appealing destination to many veterans, many of which are ready to work or go to school.

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